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The Chalene Show | Diet, Fitness & Life Balance

Feb 19, 2018


In this episode Chalene shares her experience with her recent 4 day fast. She will also share with you her experiences with the Ketogenic Diet and Exogenous Ketones.

If you have noticed the Ketogenic Diet is all the rage everywhere you look its Ketogenic this Ketogenic that!! Last you it was the Paleo Diet and before that was The Low fat Low carb diet.

Our ancestors phased their diets because the nutritional resources that were available were based on seasons. Which means our bodies biologically have been designed to adapt and to expect phasing.

Diet phasing helps to avoid hitting a plateau. We have had this same theory for years when it came to exercise. We know that if we do the exact same type of exercise year after year our bodies will adapt and hit a plateau and stop seeing results.

So if this were true for exercise why would it not be the same when it came to our body and nutrition?

There is no one diet trend that we all should be following, there is no hard and fast rules that we should all be following when it comes to nutrition. We all are uniquely different and need to find what works best for our body.

We are fooling ourselves if we think that the same rules apply to everyone. We are all different, different ages, genders, ethnicity, hormones, stress levels and exercise history.

Chalene tells you how she had it all wrong for the past 25 years when it came to diet and fitness. She explains how when she was at her leanest she was also very unhealthy and aging her body from the inside out.

In this episode Chalene share with you her journey she has been to discover what the meaning of health is to her.

This is Part 1 of a 2 Part series. In Part 1 Chalene goes in to depth about brain health and so much more!!


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XOXO Chalene